This new program is ideal for community education and outreach, this program will touch the heart of anyone who has experienced loss with stories of people who have found meaning and purpose through loss. The program will offer clinicians tools to support and encourage transformative growth in grieving clients and will supply self-help advice for the bereaved.
Program Details:
• 95-minute run time + 30-minute post-program discussion required for C.E.s
• 2 C.E. hours from a wide variety of professional boards Click here to see the board approval list
• Program registration is $150.00
• HFA member organizations get 25% off registration
Registration includes:
• One DVD of the program
• One companion book (Order more here)
• 25 viewer guides for the audience
• Organizer’s manual
• One poster to promote your event
Expert Panelists:
Patti Anewalt, PhD, LPC, FT – is Director of the Pathways Center for Grief & Loss with Hospice & Community Care in Mount Joy, PA, has devoted her clinical practice, writing, and teaching to issues related to end of life, grief, compassion fatigue, and crisis response.
Ken Doka, PhD, MDiv – has played a role in the development of 24 consecutive Living with Grief® programs. Dr. Doka is a senior bereavement consultant to HFA, a professor of gerontology at the Graduate School of The College of New Rochelle (NY), and an internationally known grief expert.
Richard Tedeschi, PhD – is a professor of psychology at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, where he specializes in bereavement and trauma as part of the Posttraumatic Growth Research Group. He also serves as a consultant to the American Psychological Association and is a subject matter expert for the US Army’s Comprehensive Soldier Fitness Program.
Companion Book Information
With Transforming Loss: Finding Potential for Growth now available, make sure your audience is prepared with a companion book!
Chapters examine the history and identification of transformative experiences in the wake of loss; explore how the nature of the loss, spirituality, age, and other factors affect growth; and provide other tools and interventive strategies for clinicians to support and encourage transformative growth in grieving clients. The book will also look at the role that support groups and self-help can play in this process, and shares the transformative experiences of several individuals.
Chapter authors include Richard Tedeschi, Robert Neimeyer, Bonnie Carroll, Kelli Triplett, Gillian Mayerson, and Kenneth Doka, as well as hospice and bereavement professionals Brandon Brewer and Patti Anewalt.
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