
Categories: Education.

Deprescribing should be considered a patient-centered approach to reducing or stopping medications, particularly when the risks outweigh the benefits or when a person’s health goals and circumstances change.

At end of life we should consider very carefully which medications address and alleviate symptoms and which just contribute to pill burden. It is good palliative care.

It requires open communication between clinicians and patients. We need to understand and take into account a patient’s perspective while clarifying how this process optimizes and prioritizes the patient’s goal, avoiding the misperception that we are “stopping medications” or rationing care due to drug costs.

Dr. Donna Bartlett’s book addresses deprescribing with very straightforward practical advice.

My first takeaway is to refer to the process from now on as a medication optimization plan when discussing this topic with patients and families.


Thanks to Andy Arwari for sharing from his LinkedIn account.

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