It’s that time of year again – when we are putting on our hats (and this year our masks) for Children’s Palliative Care (CPC). This year we are launching our ‘Hats and Masks On for CPC’ Campaign. The second Friday in October, which this year falls on Friday 9th October 2020, is a day for raising international awareness of the need for children’s palliative care and the work of children’s palliative care (CPC) services worldwide. Now in its 7th year, the annual campaign is known as Hats On for Children’s Palliative Care with the hashtag #HatsOn4CPC.
However, this year, we have revised it due to the Global COVID-19 Pandemic – we are including masks, so whilst keeping our normal hashtag (#HatsOn4CPC) the campaign will be known as ‘Hats and Masks on for CPC’. Many of us are wearing masks to go to school, university, work, shopping etc. so now we are encouraging you to don your hat alongside your mask.
The day aims to raise funds for children’s palliative care, but more importantly, to raise awareness of the rights of very sick children with incurable and life-threatening illnesses to receive palliative care.
We know that there are in excess of 21 million children in the world who live with a life-limiting illness or condition that will or could drastically shorten their lives. Existing services are mostly in the developed world. Those in the developing world are often underfunded and inadequate to meet the overwhelming need. As a result, millions of children have a poor quality of life and suffer from pain and other distressing symptoms which could be controlled and significantly improved with palliative care.
Children’s palliative care (CPC) is holistic care that responds to the physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs of a child with a life-threatening or life-limiting illness as well as providing care for the child’s family. It aims to provide expert pain relief and symptom control and whatever emotional, social and spiritual support is required to enable the affected child to enjoy the best quality of life possible in the circumstances. When necessary, it supports the child at the end of life and continues to care for the bereaved family members for as long as is needed. This care is provided by a compassionate team of people who all wear different, and sometimes many, hats!
Hats (and Masks) On for CPC is an excellent way to raise awareness and funds for children’s palliative care services. You can get involved at various levels, either as:
- An individual
- A school or company
- A children’s palliative care service or NGO
To take part, follow these 3 simple steps:
- Wear a hat and mask to work, school or college on Friday 9th October
- Take a selfie, add the hashtag #HatsOn4CPC, upload to your Facebook page and tag ICPCN’s Facebook page
- Make a donation of your choosing to ICPCN in honour of the day. Donate here
You could also:
- Get your friends together and host your very own Mad Hatter’s Tea Party, share photos on social media and tag ICPCN. Use the hashtag #HatsOn4CPC
- Hold a hat and mask making/wearing competition with prizes for the winners in different categories, such as most elegant hat, funniest hat, tallest hat, matching mask and hat etc.
- Have a ‘Funky Hat and Mask Day’ at your work or school.
We recognise that this year, holding events will be challenging for many of us due to the pandemic, but don’t worry, even if you are on your own, put on your hat and mask and take a selfie, put it on social media (#HatsOn4CPC) and/or send it to us at
To help you there are a range of materials that you can find on the ICPCN website, which focus around 5 main characters – all of whom have put on their hats and masks!
Anyone can join this campaign – we want it to go viral so please help us spread the word……..
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