International Journal of Palliative Nursing (IJPN) publishes special issue on Children’s Palliative Care

Categories: Featured and Research.

The latest issue of the International Journal of Palliative Nursing (IJPN) focuses on Children’s Palliative Care. Edited by Prof Julia Downing, ICPCN’s Chief Executive, this current issue of the Journal  (JULY 2018 | VOLUME 24 | ISSUE 7) looks at a number of topics relevant to those caring for children with palliative care needs.

These include:

  • An Editorial by Prof Julia Downing, Innovation, inspiration and integration: children’s palliative care which expands on the theme of the recent 3rd ICPCN Conference held in Durban, South Africa (Inspiration, Innovation, Integration) and calls for more research into children’s palliative care, for more people to share their stories on the benefits of palliative care and for the integration of children’s pallaitive care into existing services.
  • Open Access research by Hanneke Brits entitled A descriptive study of trends in the pictures drawn by primary school learners in South Africa which describes the pictures drawn by primary school learners in the children’s palliative care programme in Bloemfontein, South Africa, in order to evaluate whether drawings can be used to assess emotional well being. Methods used in this study included assessments according to standardised human figure drawing guidelines and emotional indicator (EI) scales.
  • Research undertaken by Sinead Hutcheson, Hilary Maguire and Clare White entitled Evaluation of a pilot service to help young people with life-limiting conditions transition from children’s palliative care services This evaluation was of a two-year pilot project developed to try to aid transitioning.
  • Commentary by Marie Friedel, Brigette de Terwangne, Bénédicte Brichard,Ilse Ruysseveldt,Marleen Renard entitled The Belgian euthanasia law and its impact on the practises of Belgian paediatric palliative care teams.
  • Review by Alison Rodriguez, Joanna Smith,Kirstine McDermid entitled Dignity therapy interventions for young people in palliative care: a rapid structured evidence review
  • Review by Alex Daniels and Julia Downing entitled Increasing access to children’s palliative care education through e-learning: a review of the ICPCN experience looking at the development and success of the ICPCN e-learning platform

Visit the IJPN website to learn more and to access these articles.

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