Celebrating ehospice!

Categories: In The Media.

ehospice recognises the potential to connect people working in hospice and palliative care using the technology available today.

The aims of ehospice are to improve patient care through access to information, to foster a sense of community in hospice and palliative care worldwide and to give a voice to people associated with hospice and palliative care, whether as professionals, volunteers, patients or carers.

ehospice is published across 10 editions by regional and global palliative care organisations, covering the latest news, commentary and analysis from around the world.

We’ve had a massive first seven months of operation, but we are not slowing down! Today (30 April 2013) we are delighted to welcome on board the USA edition, managed by the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization. We are also excited to announce that we have gone mobile! You can now access all our great content on our free iPhone app, as well as our mobile web app, which is compatible with most modern smart phones. Don’t forget we also have an iPad app, with a new updated version launching today.

ehospice is also on social media; follow us on Twitter @ehospicenews or ‘engage with us on Facebook.

Help us celebrate

We’ve had some wonderful stories across all our editions since last October, and we are eager to keep the fantastic content coming. If you have a story for us, please get in contact with the editors by clicking on the yellow ‘submit an article’ button at the bottom right of each edition’s home page.

No matter how big or small, we welcome all contributions. Even if it’s just an idea, we can help make it come to life. To assist you, we have put together some contributor guidelines. There is no better time for your work to be featured on ehospice as we expand our audience and go mobile!

For some inspiration, see our selection of highlights from the first seven months of publication below.

Don’t forget to register

You can register to receive ehospice updates directly to your email inbox. Never miss an important story with this feature; you can pick and choose the topics you want to receive and from which editions.

Be visible to the global palliative care community

ehospice also offers fantastic opportunities to promote your organisation to the global palliative care community. You can list your events and employment or volunteering vacancies. You can also purchase advertising space on the website. If you are interested in advertising, please contact us.

How you can get involved with ehospice

  • Tell us what’s happening where you are: See our contributor guidelines and send us a story
  • Register to receive daily or weekly email alerts
  • Follow us on social media: come and engage with us on Facebook and Twitter
  • Download the app
  • Put a link to ehospice on your website
  • Promote yourself: get your events and jobs listed on ehospice and promoted to the global palliative care community.

The stories so far…

Across the breadth of all our ehospice editions, we have published a plethora of informative, interesting and inspirational articles to date. There are just so many that it is very difficult to narrow it down for a highlights package. But that is what we have attempted to do:


Duchess of Cambridge visit to Hospis Malaysia: raising the global profile of hospice and palliative care

Singapore International Volunteers help build new standards of palliative care for children in Indonesia

International children’s

The development of Paediatric Palliative Care in Norway

A palliative vs curative approach vastly improves Clement’s quality of life


Custodians of care

“You cannot be happy to see your dad suffering…”


Where there’s a will there’s a way

Washing Mum


A Legacy of Love

Let’s Talk about the Right to Hospice Palliative Care First


Palliative care is everybody’s business

What it truly means to be alive!


Volunteering; core in palliative care and other disciplines

From nursing instructor to hospice CEO

South Africa

Bongiwe’s Journey of Hope

Ecologically constructed hospice buildings at Tapologo hospice


Landmark event hails new era of collaboration between Muslim and hospice communities

End of life care through the eyes of a doctor and a patient

To explore even more of the wonderful articles that are in our archive, use the ‘Categories’ dropdown or the search facility, check out the ‘Recommended articles’ or ‘Most viewed articles’ boxes and click on the ‘Related articles’ at the bottom of some stories. And don’t forget to check out the latest edition to join ehospice – USA.

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