The theme of the congress will be ‘Building Bridges’, highlighting the fact that palliative care practice is complex and challenging and its success depends on building bridges between different professional and non professional groups, disciplines, countries, regions and continents. With this theme, the EAPC continues to strive for better access to palliative care for more people across the globe.
Plenary speakers
Plenary speakers for the congress have already been announced and include:
- State of the science in managing psychological distress – Prof. Harvey Max Chochinov (Canada)
- Bridging between loss and meaning: state of the art and science – Reverend Christian Juul Busch (Denmark)
- Strengthening the role of palliative care at a time of austerity – Prof. Charles Normand (Ireland)
- The role of systemic inflammation in the pathophysiology in advanced disease: state of the science and clinical implications – Prof. Marie Fallon (Scotland, UK)
- State of the science in the assessment of and support for the family – Prof. Gunn Grande (UK)
- Debate: Individual autonomy versus relational autonomy in the context of clinical care in different parts of Europe – Prof. Philip J Larkin (Ireland) and Dr Carlo Peruselli (Italy)
- Building bridges: to where and what next in the world? – Dr. Kathleen Foley (USA)
Abstract submission
The deadline for abstract submission for oral and poster presentations is 15 October 2014. All accepted abstracts will be published in a special issue of the European Journal of Palliative Care and on the congress website. For furthers details on submitting abstracts please go to the congress website.
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