Opportunity to study in Glasgow for a PhD about rural palliative care provision

Categories: Education.

The Dame Barbara Kelly Fellowship has been awarded by the Crichton Foundation in recognition of the ongoing contribution made by Dame Barbara to the development of further and higher education on the Crichton Campus, Dumfries. It is now open to applications.

The successful candidate will have excellent qualifications at first degree/Masters level and will have a background in healthcare and/or social science.

The Fellowship provides funding for fees, living costs and research expenses for a student to undertake work for the degree of PhD, for up to 36 months full-time or 72 months part-time.

The PhD supervisor will be Professor David Clark, School of Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Glasgow, Dumfries.

The focus of the Fellowship and the resulting doctoral study is closely defined, but the key research questions, methods and overall approach are open to full development by the successful candidate, in consultation with Professor Clark.

UK/EU applicants are eligible to apply for either full-time or part-time study. The successful candidate will be expected to reside in Dumfries and Galloway for the duration of the work.

The Award

The Fellowship will provide:

  • an annual bursary equivalent to the RCUK rate [£13,863 (£6,931.50 part-time) at 2014/15 rates]
  • fees at the standard Home/EU rate
  • a research support grant of at least £1,000 (£500 part-time) per annum.

How to Apply

Full details of how to apply can be found at: http://www.gla.ac.uk/colleges/socialsciences/studentfundingopportunities/postgraduateresearch/#d.en.388180

Interested applicants are welcome to make informal enquiries in the first instance by email to david.clark.2@glasgow.ac.uk

Find out more about this opportunity on the End of Life Studies blog

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