Palliative care webinar available for free

Categories: Education.

The webinar (a seminar conducted over the internet) entitled Palliative Care: Identifying the Need and Beginning the Conversation will take place 12pm EST 25 February 2013. It is free for anyone to access as long as they register and log into the website. 

The webinar, offered by James Tulsky MD, Chief of Duke Palliative Care and Professor of Medicine and Nursing at Duke University. He has a longstanding interest in doctor-patient communication and quality of life at the end of life, and is widely published in these areas.

The webinar will include the following:

  • definition of palliative care
  • focus on communication with patients
  • offer participants a chance to ask questions during a live question and answer period.

The Oncology Nurse Community is an established online community for oncology nurses and healthcare professionals who are part of cancer care teams based in the US. It has a particular focus on sharing ideas, stories and experiences on message boards, videos and blogs. For example, videos of James Tulsky, the speaker for the webinar, can be viewed on the site when logged in. The site also offers various news and resources for oncology nurses.

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