Make Both Palliative Care & Assisted Suicide Priorities
Canada – CBC blog
The author argues that improving palliative care in Canada will not decrease support for assisted suicide: “Next month, the Supreme Court of Canada will hear arguments on whether terminally ill Canadians have the right to assisted suicide. A 2013 Forum Research poll found sixty-five percent of Canadians support doctor-assisted death. But earlier this month, federal Health Minister Rona Ambrose told CBC News that better access to palliative or end of life care should take priority over assisted suicide. I disagree.”
Tourism to Switzerland for assisted suicide is growing, often for nonfatal diseases
US – Washington Post
It’s a tourism boom, but not one to crow about: The number of people traveling to Switzerland to end their lives is growing. And it seems that more and more people with a nonfatal disease are making the trip.
Making a case for the integration of palliative care in policies on ageing and dementia
Lieve Van den Block, Professor of Communication in Family Medicine, Chair of the Research on Palliative Care for Older People in the End-of-Life Care Research Group, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium.
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