Daily News Roundup – 11 September 2013

Categories: In The Media.

How far will the government trust commissioning to create integrated care?

Inside commissioning

This month the government is expected to announce a dozen localities that will pioneer integrated health and social care as a set of nationally sponsored pilots.

Growing old with HIV

The Guardian

New research reveals that the first generation of older people living with HIV feels ashamed and isolated.

Tips for preventing and tackling fraud in the voluntary sector

The Guardian

The Annual Fraud Indicator, released by the National Fraud Authority, shows that one in 10 charities with an income of over £100,000 claims to have detected some type of fraud in the past year.

Diabetes UK on how it won the Tesco charity of the year partnership

Civil Society

Tesco’s charity of the year partnership is the envy of all fundraisers. Kate Jacques explains how and why diabetes UK won it.

Total gift aid claim value falls for second consecutive year

Civil Society

The amount of gift aid reclaimed by charities fell for the second consecutive year but still remains above pre-recession levels, according to HMRC figures.

Phil Taylor to appear on Pointless for Donna Louise Children’s Hospice

The Sentinel

Phil ‘The Power’ Taylor is set for an appearance on the BBC gameshow Pointless. The star will take part in a celebrity version of the show this Saturday in a bid to raise money for the Donna Louise Children’s Hospice.

Naomi House Hospice gets a boost from siblings of seriously-ill children

This is Hampsire.net

Siblings of seriously-ill children put their creative talents to good use as they took pictures for a hospice’s calendar.

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