Daily news roundup – 2 August 2016

Categories: In The Media.

24 deeply honest confessions from a hospice worker

This post was put together with the help of staff at St Columba’s Hospice in Edinburgh.

Hope House at 21: Special pair leading the way

Shropshire Star
A new Fairy Garden has been created in the grounds of Hope House by graduates of the Redrow Building company, director of fundraising Simi Epstein and director of care Kath Jones.

NI Hospice’s family gardens complete after donation

The Irish News
The Northern Ireland Hospice has put the finishing touches to its family garden thanks to a donation from IKEA Belfast.

Myton Hospice set for temporary closure

Stratford-upon-Avon Herald
Myton Hospice in Warwick is set to close temporarily later this month to have its electrical systems upgraded.

Five York workplaces respond after being named on DWP’s ‘free work’ list

York Press
Martin House CEO Angela Monaghan has commented after the charity was included in a list, published by The Independent, of organisations which employed people as part of the government’s Workfare scheme.

New suite for end of life patients announced for Barrow’s hospital

North-West Evening Mail
A brand new suite is to be built at Barrow’s hospital to allow dying patients the chance to spend precious time with their families in their final hours.

Rammya Mathew and Kate Birrell: A radical approach to end of life care

BMJ blog
“Death and dying are inevitable parts of life. They are not primarily medical events, yet the status quo is to medicalise the dying process and hand over responsibility for the provision of end of life care to healthcare professionals.”

Why are we still not involving geriatricians in caring for our older cancer patients?

British Geriatrics Society blog
Dr Fatou Farima Bagayogo writes about her recent co-authored paper on the creation of a geriatric oncology clinic to facilitate the inclusion of geriatrics-based expertise in the care of older cancer patients.

How co-ordinated care got Tony to the church on time

Marie Curie blog
Tony Whittle was diagnosed with multiple-system atrophy in March 2013. It looked like Tony’s illness might prevent him from attending his son Joe’s wedding, as he needed an operation three days before the big day – but hospice and hospital staff made sure he made it to the church.

From across the ehospice editions:

International edition: New tool to create custom opioid consumption graphs

USA edition: Advocacy toolkit for hospice providers caring for veterans

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