Manorlands hospice expands community services to provide at-home care
Bradford Telegraph & Argus
The Manorlands Sue Ryder hospice, in Oxenhope near Keighley, is developing its provision to enable more people to be cared for – and spend their final days – in their own homes.
GP practices offered ‘ethically questionable’ incentives to cut urgent cancer referrals
GP practices are being offered thousands of pounds to refer fewer patients for specialist care, including those with suspected cancer, finds a Pulse investigation.
New pictures show what larger St Catherine’s Hospice will look like
Crawley News
More details have been released revealing what a new, larger St Catherine’s Hospice – and the housing development which would go alongside it – could look like.
New Derry project to offer end of life care
Derry Now
A project has been launched in Derry to help people with advanced illnesses to remain living in their homes.
Rowcroft gears up for Hospice Care Week
Torquay Herald Express
Rowcroft is one of 100 hospices throughout the UK taking part in Hospice Care Week. The nationwide activity is runs from October 5 to 9 and aims to raise awareness of the many ways that hospices connect with local people and communities.
Working together to make a difference: Hospice Care Week feature
Essex Enquirer
The Enquirer is delighted to feature the great work carried out in hospices across the region. This year the theme is ‘Connecting care’.
‘Share your bear’ for Arthur Rank in Hospice Care Week from 5 October
Cambridge Network
Arthur Rank is inviting you to donate £3 to the hospice alongside sharing a photo of yourself together with your most treasured teddy bear.
Coping with grief at work: why moving on is the hardest job ever
The Guardian
Why do we spend time debating a woman’s role when another life begins, but not what to do when a loved one’s life ends?
From across ehospice editions:
Consider older persons’ right to palliative care when “re-thinking our cities”
Overzealous drug control contributes to “global crisis” of avoidable pain
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