Daily News Roundup – 3 July 2013

Categories: In The Media.

Bid for new Lancashire ‘youth’ hospice

Burnley Citizen

The Life Now organisation is looking at sites across Lancashire to deliver palliative and respite care for young adults aged between 18 and 35.

Durham hospice releases report into quality of care

The Northern Echo

St Cuthbert’s Hospice, in Durham, has released the findings of its Quality Account, spelling out what the hospice achieved during the year 2012-13.

Not-for-profit film nights to be exempt from licences under new law

Civil Society

Civil society organisations that wish to host film nights in village halls and community centres will be able to do so without needing a licence, under a proposed new law published yesterday.

Share your ideas for solving the problems of poor homecare

The Guardian – social care network

The Guardian’s Social Care Network is partnering with the Department of Health to launch a new project that aims tackle the problems of poor care, low wages and neglect in the homecare sector.

Organ donation opt-out system given go-ahead in Wales

BBC News

A change in the law to bring in an opt-out organ donation system has been overwhelmingly voted through by Welsh assembly members.

‘Major’ problems for NHS 111 service

BBC News

The future of the new NHS non-emergency telephone service in a quarter of England has been thrown into doubt after one of the major providers admitted it was facing severe problems.

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