Daily News Roundup – 4 December 2014

Categories: In The Media.

Aberystwyth’s Hospice at Home to replace Beacon of Hope

BBC News
A new project to care for the terminally ill will be launched to replace a charity that went into liquidation in 2012.

Arthur Rank given green light for new hospice in Great Shelford – but Eric Pickles will get the final say

Cambridge News
Arthur Rank House will be able to double the number of beds available for terminally-ill patients after being given the green light to expand onto a new site.

West End star Michael Ball drops into children’s hospice

Get Surrey
West End star Michael Ball, patron of Shooting Star Chase, visited children and parents at Christopher’s children’s hospice in Guildford.

St Barnabas Lincolnshire Hospice thanks public for support after shop break-in

Lincolnshire Echo
St Barnabas Lincolnshire Hospice is thanking people and businesses for their support after £400 was stolen from its Lincoln High Street shop.

Alternative therapies risk effectiveness of cancer treatment, researchers find

The Guardian
Common complementary therapies found to have serious drug interactions or reduce the effectiveness of chemotherapy or radiation treatment.

MRSA in palliative care

Article by Dr Aoife Gleeson, consultant in palliative medicine, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board, on her research project to explore the impact of MRSA in specialist palliative care.

Charities with multiple offices must communicate well or risk alienating staff and volunteers

Civil Society
Charities which are spread across multiple locations must communicate well outside head office or risk alienating their regional workforce and volunteers and suffering serious reputational damage.

A selection of stories from the international editions of ehospice today…

Why should children suffer? 2nd Little Stars video released

ehospice International children’s edition
The 2nd in the series of Little Stars short films features a number of well-known people in the world of children’s palliative care. It asks the question “Why should children suffer?”

Lift-off for World Cancer Congress

ehospice Australia
The 2014 World Cancer Congress was launched in fine style in Melbourne on Wednesday, with delegates from around the world introduced to the local wildlife before addresses by a series of keynote speakers, setting the scene for the next three days of this major conference.

World AIDS Day coverage from APCA and ICPCN

ehospice International edition
Across ehospice on Monday 1 December we highlighted how millions of people continue to live with, and die from, HIV related conditions and the important role palliative care plays is supporting people with HIV/AIDS and their carers.

Have you read the latest articles from the UK edition of ehospice? 

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