Daily News Roundup – 8 March 2013

Categories: In The Media.

Save hospitals ‘for seriously ill’, says NHS Confederation

Nursing Times

Caring for patients in the community and their own homes and saving hospitals for the seriously ill and those needing complicated operations could be the way forward for the NHS, a report has claimed.

Scie’s care finding site extends user reviews to all services

Community Care

The Social Care Institute for Excellence has extended its consumer reviews function to all 30,000 services on its Find Me Good Care site designed to help people choose services.

Mid Staffs speaks to us all

Civil Society blog 

Andrew Hind reminds charities of the lessons they should take from the public inquiry into the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust.

Donors still lack confidence in digital giving, survey finds

Third Sector

Polly Gowers of Give as you Live, which polled 8,000 people, says the research will help charities to focus their resources in the right places.

What top major donor fundraisers do differently

Institute of Fundraising blog

Through our own research and analysis, we’ve drawn up a list of 30 key competencies, personality traits and behaviours of leading major donor fundraising performers.

Sophie’s charity and hospice in joint project

Isle of Wight County Press Online

Sophie Rolf’s charity, KissyPuppy, is joining forces with the Earl Mountbatten Hospice to create an Isle of Wight base for children and young people who have life-limiting conditions.

Eight-month-old baby boy christened at a West Suffolk hospice

Newmarket News

John Roney and Emma McFarlane decided to have their son Benjamin baptised on Sunday at St Nicholas Hospice Care’s Orchard Day Centre where Emma’s mother Marion receives care.

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