Queen’s Speech announces adult social care overhaul as cuts deepen
Community Care
Care and Support Bill will modernise adult care law, provide new rights to support for carers and implement cap on self-funders’ care costs, but concerns persist over how effective it will be amid squeeze on council budgets.
Lord Falconer to press on assisted dying law
BBC News
Labour peer Lord Falconer is to table a private members bill this year to change in the law in England and Wales to legalise assisted dying in ‘strictly defined circumstances’.
Why healthcare professionals can’t afford to ignore the potential of apps
The Guardian – healthcare professionals network
Mobile phones won’t take on the role of doctors but they will become more widely used in diagnosis and treatment, so those in the sector should look to develop their own apps.
Short and snappy ‘soundbites’ could be the future for impact reporting
The Guardian – voluntary sector network
Joe Saxton tells CFG conference that ‘tweets’ and ‘nuggets of information’ are more effective in communicating impact than large 30-50 page reports.
Duke of Devonshire visits new St Wilfrid’s Hospice
Eastbourne Herald
The Duke of Devonshire, a patron of St Wilfrid’s Hospice, visited the hospice last week for a tour of the new hospice site.
Support for Shakespeare Hospice support services
Stratford Observer
Stratford Town Trust has awarded Shakespeare Hospice up to £208,000 over three years towards the development of support services for children, young people affected by life-limiting illness and their families.
Jobs loss blow for Leeds hospice
Yorkshire Evening Post
Bosses at Leeds’ St Gemma’s Hospice have unveiled proposals for a ‘staff restructure’ after an internal review to look at where the hospice could save money.
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