The Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care and Good Life, Good Death, Good Grief have published a new report looking at how to encourage more supportive attitudes and behaviours relating to death, dying and bereavement in Scotland.
‘A Road Less Lonely, moving forward with public health approaches to death, dying and bereavement in Scotland’ explores some of the different areas that can shape people’s experiences of death, dying and bereavement. It focuses particularly on:
- Death education and bereavement support in schools.
- Workplace culture and policies.
- The role of communities.
- The practicalities of planning ahead for deteriorating health and death.
- Personal skills and knowledge relating to death, dying and bereavement.
- Mass media campaigns.
- Socio-economic disadvantage.
- Funeral poverty.
- Good Life, Good Death, Good Grief, Scotland’s public health palliative care alliance.
This report highlights a wide range of projects and initiatives ongoing in Scotland and further afield that are relevant to improving people’s experiences of death, dying and bereavement. It illustrates that in Scotland there is a huge amount of enthusiasm, skills, knowledge and resources relating to public health approaches to death, dying and bereavement.
A Road Less Lonely also suggests a range of steps that could be taken to move forward this area of work, illustrating that relevant action can be taken by a range of different types of organisations, across a variety of domains.
A full copy of the report can be downloaded here: A Road Less Lonely
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