Regional workshops have been taking place on the WHO action plan over the last few weeks including the African Regional (AFRO) workshop in Nairobi this week. Discussions have centred on necessary actions to inform the development of the next action plan to cover 2013 – 2020.
The draft of an action plan on NCDs responds to the burden placed by non-communicable diseases on global social and economic development. The zero draft states that the threat posed by non-communicable diseases undermines social and economic development throughout the world and threatens the achievement of internationally agreed development goals in low- and middle-income countries.
Palliative care is referenced with the Global Action Plan as the comprehensive care of NCDs encompasses primary prevention, early detection/screening, treatment, secondary prevention, rehabilitation and palliative care. However, continued advocacy is required to ensure the strong inclusion of palliative care in the Global Action Plan and more clarity on WHO and member states planned activities to address the current inadequacy in access to palliative care services for people with NCDS.
The ‘zero draft’ Action Plan will be discussed during a second informal consultation with member states and UN agencies in early November 2012. Following these informal discussions, the UN secretariat will prepare a ‘First Draft’ Action Plan, to be considered by member states at the 132nd session of the WHO Executive Board in January 2013.
Read a commentary on the WHO AFRO workshop by Fatia Kiyange, including key points for inclusion in the draft action plan, on ehospice Africa.
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