Daily News Roundup – 16 October 2012

Categories: In The Media.

Secret art auction for Eastbourne Hospice

The Argus

St Wilfrid’s Hospice is organising the Big Art Secret where the work of artists will appear anonymously alongside artwork from more than 500 others from all walks of life on auction website eBay.

Unsung hero: Hospice nurse who brightens up the end of people’s lives

Your local Guardian

Challenging the view of dying as a miserable experience, nurse Irene Webster works to brighten the end of her patients’ lives at Princess Alice Hospice.

Response to Nuffield Trust study into end of life care

Help the Hospices

Help the Hospices calls for free social care for people with a terminal illness.

Putting a stop to means-testing for end of life care

Channel 4 News

New ways of caring for elderly people

BBC News

New and imaginative ways of caring for elderly people are springing up across England – with claims it is necessary because politicians are “scared” of raising taxes to pay for it.

Weekend admissions more likely to be fatal for stroke and kidney patients

The Guardian

Hospital patients with serious conditions up to 10% more likely to die if they arrive at weekend rather than on week day, study finds.

New generation of nurse leaders to ‘help change culture’

Nursing Times

The government is to plough millions of pounds into leadership training for nurses with the central aim of improving compassion and care delivered to patients.

Government hospital food guidance is revealed

The Independent

Some NHS hospitals are failing to provide patients with high quality and healthy meals, the Health Secretary has warned.

Charities face hurdles in delivering public services, says NCVO report

Third Sector

Chief executive Sir Stuart Etherington says it’s crucial that bureaucracy does not hinder creativity and innovation. 

Three quarters of UK charities say they measure impact

Civil Society

A first-of-its-kind study reveals that 75 per cent of charities across the UK say they measure impact, and over half of these increased their efforts in this area to satisfy funders.

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