Worcestershire’s St Richard’s Hospice has warmly welcomed Mike Wilkerson as the charity’s new Chief Executive, following the retirement of his predecessor June Patel.
Mr Wilkerson joins St Richard’s from Saint Catherine’s Hospice in North Yorkshire where he has been Chief Executive for the last eight years. He has extensive experience of working in palliative and end of life care, with previous roles at Rotherham Hospice and St Wilfrid’s Hospice in West Sussex.
The new Chief Executive and his wife, Alison, have moved to Worcester and he is looking forward to leading the hospice team of 240 staff and 658 active volunteers from the hospice in Wildwood Drive, Worcester.
“It’s a pleasure and a privilege to join the team. St Richard’s is a fantastic, modern hospice in a beautiful environment and I’m looking forward to being part of the team that delivers excellent care and support to our patients and families.” said Mr Wilkerson.
He added: “We are privileged to hear from many patients, families and health professionals of the huge difference that our care makes at such a difficult time. In the future we will continue to build on the best services we offer whether that is in the hospice, in people’s own homes or in the community.
After just a couple of weeks in post, I can see the fantastic support from the people of Worcestershire whose generosity makes all this possible. It’s heartwarming to see how much St Richard’s is valued and respected in the community.”
Chair of St Richard’s Governors, Jenny Cowpe, said: “We are delighted that Mike has taken up his post as our new Chief Executive, leading our dedicated and highly-respected team. His experience will help shape continuous improvements in the quality of care that the hospice provides for more than 3,100 patients, loved ones and bereaved people each year in our community.”
St Richard’s Hospice is an independent charity caring for adults with a serious progressive illness, improving their quality of life from diagnosis, during treatment to their last days and supporting those important to them.
It costs £9.72m to run the hospice (21/22 audited accounts), which includes patient care and all the necessary support services.
For more information about St Richard’s Hospice visit www.strichards.org.uk
More information about St Richard’s Hospice
Who does St Richard’s Hospice care for?
St Richard’s cares for people with a serious progressive illness who have complex needs which cannot be met by other services. These include cancer, and neurological, respiratory, cardiac and renal conditions.
All its services are available to people registered with a South Worcestershire GP. The St Richard’s In-patient Unit cares for people across Worcestershire.
St Richard’s cares for people by:
- involvement in the course of a person’s illness alongside other therapies that are intended to prolong life
- enabling people to manage their illness and remain independent for as long as possible
- helping people to control their pain and other worrying symptoms
- helping people with emotional, social, practical and spiritual issues
- supporting families and carers before and through bereavement
- working in partnership with other health care providers and organisations
- encouraging wider understanding that death is a part of life
- supporting the local community to be well informed about the care available to them
- supporting the health and social care workforce through education to provide high-quality, individualised care.
Where they care
St Richard’s offers free care and support for people in the hospice, in the community, in GP surgeries, at clinics or by telephone.
Facebook: @strichards Twitter: @StRichardsHosp
Instagram: @strichardshospice LinkedIn: St Richard’s Hospice
Registered charity no 515668 Registered company no 01850502
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