100 Tools, Tips & Ideas that will make a difference during the end of your life.
SUFFOLK COUNTY, N.Y., June 4, 2020 — An End of Life Doula guides and supports an individual and their family holistically, emotionally and spiritually as they navigate the way through end of life. Providing services to the dying and their loved ones, is only a piece of what Susan can offer a family. We were not given an instruction book on how to do end of life better. Other counties practice beautiful rituals and celebrations. Here, we are expected to do our grieving in a two-hour wake.
“Coming Full Circle” is not another book about dying and the physical changes we go through. It’s not only a book about the emotional journey we travel. It’s a guide. As an End of Life Doula and Legacy Creator, Susan has gifted you with her an invisible toolbox of 100 ideas and projects that will help you connect and bond with your family today, while you still can.
You will find the three phases and processes, however, the value here is so much more. It is a 300-page book, a plethora of creative suggestions to implement that will not only help your own life “Come Full Circle,” but help the lives of your family after you are gone. This is a golden opportunity for you to change the course of history, after you leave.
Susan’s been featured in the New York Post, Newsday, The Long Island Press, The Long Islander, The Sag Harbor Express and More. She’s been featured locally on Cablevision; Podcasts and several Internet Radio shows.
In order to “Come Full Circle,” there are things to be done, put in place, buttoned up and gifted for the ones you love. This is easy to say but unfortunately, there is only a small window of opportunity when given a diagnosis to get the closure both you and your family need.
This is for the person with the diagnosis, for family members, friends or caregivers to help support the person they love through this time. A time that doesn’t have to be scary. A time that can be filled with love, light and beautiful closure. www.EastEndDoulaCare.com www.TheLegacyDoula.com
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