Series conclusion: Education in palliative care

Categories: Education.

The number and quality of articles we received in response to our call for contributions is an indicator of the interest in this topic and the need for discussion and sharing of best practice.

The articles addressed issues such as the gap between theory and practice in palliative care education, the importance of multidisciplinary teaching and learning, and the vital importance of a knowledgeable, passionate palliative care expert to guide learners as they build on their knowledge of palliative care.

As well as the discussion around the need for, and techniques of, sharing palliative care knowledge, interviews with key people in palliative care education added the personal side to the journey that brought them to teach others how to provide impeccable palliative care.

The articles in this series showed the breadth of topics and practices related to palliative care education:

Each article in the series spoke in some way to the growing need for education, mentorship and continuing professional development in this important field.  

ehospice would like to thank all the contributors and to wish them ongoing success with their projects.

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